If you have any questions, please contact me at:

I always reply in few hours. If you don't receive my reply within 24 hours, please send me your email again.

IF YOU'RE A COMPANY/BRAND/BLOG who wants to work with me...
I'm interested in a lot of things, but you have to know that they are all connected with fashion, beauty (makeup), DIY, blog help and design. I would love to introduce some of your products to my readers, do products reviews, do giveaways or something else you have in mind.

IF YOU'RE A COMPANY/BRAND who wants advertising...
Know again, that I only do things that are the main subject of my blog (fashion, makeup/beauty, DIY,...). If you have any questions about the process, or payment, please write me an email.

IF YOU'RE A BLOG who wants advertising...
I would really want to know you and your blog. Write me an email in which you tell me how many followers you have, how long have you had your blog, what kind of advertising you want. If you have 350+ followers, I will agree on advertising each other:)
However if you have less followers, that won't be possible. Just write me an email and we will deal about it.

IF YOU'RE A BLOGGER who just wants to talk...
You're more than welcome to write to me! I love meeting fellow followers, and I don't care what kind of blog you run, how much followers do you have...just write to me, and you will make my day!
